Friday catch ups


Since coming to the end of my psychology sessions I’ve been trying to maintain some space each week for reflection. It’s not, of course, as good as therapy but I think it’s good for me.

So, it’s in my diary. Friday morning at 9.30. I either head to a cafe or into my spare bedroom with a drink and a candle.

I spend a bit of time reflecting on the week, what did I get up to, how am I doing emotionally etc. This is helpful because I have a tendency to consciously forget things have happened whilst I’m still unconsciously dealing with them. For example this week has been big – got my door opener sorted, had my last day of work, started withdrawing from some of my meds etc. But without sitting down and thinking about it, I wouldn’t have given myself credit for dealing with all of that and would instead be beating myself for all the things I didn’t do this week.

To help with my reflection, I have some question cards. The questions are from Make A Mess: Everyday Creativity. Generally, when I need to think most, I’m likely to go blank so the cards help to focus me! For a bigger check in, try this worksheet from Carrie mallon.

I have a little box which contains the cards as well as some bits and pieces including pictures of important things, an amethyst crystal and a little knitted snail from a very close friend which reminds me to take things at my pace.

I also have my tarot cards which I use to look at the week just gone and the week ahead. Again, this helps give some structure to my thinking time.

And I’ve started to do a five things check, where I check I’ve got some balance into my week: Have I done something creative, intellectual, restful, outside and something around checking I’m with myself?

Do you have any regular check ins or routines which help keep your mental health ticking over?

6 thoughts on “Friday catch ups”

    1. For me, setting the intention abd making it very specific about when I would do it was important to keeping me on track. I’ve got a diary reminder and I’ve told people around me to try and keep me accountable. I know if I’m trying to get out of it, that’s when I most need some time to check in with myself.

      I hope you find a way of coping with your therapists absence x

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